Working Papers
Monetary Regimes and Real Exchange Rates: Long-Run Evidence at the Product Level
(with Marco Mello and Jason Kim)
Compiling a novel dataset of product prices in sixteen European countries starting in 1972, we establish three facts about product-level real exchange rates. First, the law of one price is more likely to hold under peg regimes and for tradables. Second, monetary-regime breaks affect not only the volatility of nominal exchange rates, but also the volatility of product-level real exchange rates. Third, the volatility of the real exchange rates of tradables responds less to breaks than that of nontradables, primarily because of a stronger negative correlation between the prices of tradables and nominal exchange rate fluctuations in floating regimes.
The Macro Neutrality of Exchange-Rate Regimes in the presence of Exporter-Importer Firms
2022 Best JMP Award – Special Mention of Merit
I characterize exchange-rate regime breaks for thirty countries between 1960 and 2019, and I establish that while they affect the volatilities of nominal and real exchange rates they do not change the volatilities of other real macroeconomic variables (output, consumption, investment, and net exports). This is true even in countries in which exports and imports represent a large component of gross domestic product. I propose a model with exporter-importer firms which matches the behavior of nominal and real exchange rates and real macroeconomic variables across exchange-rate regimes, even for economies in which the sum of exports and imports exceeds gross domestic product.
Mr. Keynes and the “Classics”; A Suggested Reconciliation
(with Gauti B. Eggertsson)
NBER Working Paper, August 2021
This paper proposes resolving the controversy between the Keynesians and the monetarists (“classics”). The dispute dates to Keynes’s book The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936)—famously formalized in Hicks’s article “Mr. Keynes and the “Classics”; A Suggested Interpretation” (1937)—and became the subject of several studies even if never reaching a definite conclusion. We first overturn existing empirical findings, relating money demand and long-term interest rates, using more recent data. We then reconcile the Keynesian and mon etarist perspectives theoretically and empirically, using New-Keynesian general-equilibrium theory and different assumptions about the underlying monetary-policy regime
The Mussa Puzzle: A Generalization
European Economic Review, 149, October 2022
One of the most compelling pieces of evidence for monetary non-neutrality is the Mussa puzzle: the break in the monetary regime when the Bretton Woods system broke down increased the volatility of not only the nominal exchange rate but the real exchange rate. Using data covering forty-four countries from 1954 to 2019, I find that the Mussa puzzle is generalizable: any break in a monetary regime that changes the volatility of the nominal exchange rate also changes the volatility of the real exchange rate. This provides further evidence of monetary non-neutrality.